Wednesday 20 February 2013

Its not just about the food

By Ankush Chibber, FoodNavigator-Asia columnist 19-Feb-2013

In the second article in a new a series examining Indian diets and health, our resident food columnist tells a personal tale of how he has seen his own diet change with the times.
It’s hard to argue against Dr Carrie Ruxton’s well-expressed viewpoint  on this website a few days ago.

Having said that, the response has been overwhelming, and has mostly come from my fellow Indians who don’t believe a Westerner should be telling us about our foods. It’s hard to argue against Dr Carrie Ruxton’s well-expressed viewpoint  on this website a few days ago. 
I am going to dive in here and say that while the West has some questions to answer of its own on areas beyond food and beverage, the fact that our waistlines are going the way much like theirs have done before us is mostly spot on. 
But the real culprit is not the food we make and consume in our homes. 
Let me use my own life as an example. I am a child of the early 80s who grew up while travelling all over India. My father’s monthly income from a government job was never more than Rs800 for most of the decade. 
To put that in a contemporary perspective, that sum equates to how much you would now pay for two weekend movie tickets in any of our metros.

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