Friday 27 January 2012

Indians altering dietary habits, says Nielsen

A new survey by global research firm Nielsen reveals India’s urban citizens are altering their dietary habits as lifestyle changes send obesity rates rocketing.

According to the survey 77% of urban Indians are cutting down on fats to change their diet, while another 67% are cutting down on chocolates, sugar, and the likes to achieve the same effect.
About 62% of the respondents said that they are eating more natural and fresh foods to change their diet towards healthier living, while another 51% said that they are cutting down the amount of processed foods they consume.
The survey covered 500 Indian consumers online as part of larger global study that covered more than 25,000 consumers (with online access) in the Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, West Asia, Africa and North America.
Mumbai-based nutritionist and dietician Mrinalini M. (first name only) told FoodNavigator-Asia that survey also reveals that Indians do have a better understanding of how healthy living works.
“The survey does reveal that 38% of Indians are following a low carb plan, which is indicative of them being aware of fitness trends. Another 79% indicated they preferred to exercise rather than change their food habits,” she said.
Mrinalini adds that these results are different to what is conventional thinking about Indians that they would rather diet than exercise. “Compared to western attitudes about exercise, Indians are far more laidback in practice. Though the survey results seem to point to the contrary.”

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