Friday 16 November 2012

Monster Rehab Energy Drink Class Action Lawsuit

Tuesday, 13 November 2012 11:54

Monster Energy Co. has been hit with a class action lawsuit claiming that its Monster Rehab Green Tea + Energy drink contains unknown amounts of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (ECGC), “an extremely dangerous and potentially lethal ingredient,” and that the company fails to warn consumers that it could cause hepatoxic side effects, or chemical-driven liver damage.

California resident and lead plaintiff Jennifer Wooding alleges in the Monster Rehab class action lawsuit that medical research shows ECGC has been linked to liver injuries and could cause adverse side effects, and that it should not be consumed with alcohol or by those with compromised livers. Yet advertisements for Monster Rehab suggest it should be consumed as a pick-me-up after a long night of partying.  

"Instead of being the safe energy drink that Defendants promised, the subject product causes dangerous hepatotoxic side effects, including without limitation, death, acute liver failure, hepatitis and other liver injuries," the Monster Rehab class action lawsuit says. "Despite knowing that the subject product could result in severe injury and even death in susceptible users, Defendants marketed and sold the subject product to millions of unsuspecting consumers without any warning whatsoever."

While ECGC has antioxidant properties in small doses, the class action lawsuit points to 20-year-old research that shows ECGC has toxic liver effects “when used in the doses present in dietary supplements.” 

Monster Rehab Green Tea + Energy contains an unknown amount of ECGC, which has been linked to numerous cases of liver injury in Europe, the class action lawsuit says. 

It is the latest development in a series of legal filings against the popular energy drink company. 

The FDA is investigating five deaths and one non-fatal heart attack in connection with Monster Energy drinks that occurred over the past year. The family of one of these victims, a 14-year-old girl who died of a toxic caffeine overdose, has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Monster over their daughter’s death. The company has also been hit with a class action securities fraud lawsuit filed by investors accusing Monster of failing to disclose it is being investigated for alleged false advertising and marketing by a state Attorney General.

Other energy drink makers are also facing litigation over allegedly dangerous amounts of caffeine in their products. The makers of Four Loko are still fighting a class action lawsuit alleging the now-banned alcoholic energy drink “causes sickness and alcohol poisoning, and even death.” And an October 2012 class action lawsuit claims VPX Redline energy drink causes extreme adverse health effects that resemble a cocaine overdose.

The Monster energy drink class action lawsuit is seeking to represent a proposed class of all consumers nationwide that purchased Monster Rehab Tea + Energy. It is seeking restitution, punitive and treble damages, a corrective advertising campaign and more for alleged violations of the Consumers Legal Remedies Act and California Business and Professions Code, breach of express and implied warranties, and unjust enrichment.

The Monster Rehab Class Action Lawsuit case is Wooding v. Monster Energy Company, et al., Case No. 30-2012-00609716-CU-BT-CXC, California Superior Court, Orange County


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